Wednesday, April 11, 2007

You know people don't like you when....

So, there are these two "people" at my job, that are just horrific. Today a co-worker described them perfectly so I thought I'd share.

Me: "I told you they were evil, you just didn't want to listen"

Co-worker: "Nobody likes them. Their co-workers don't like 'em, their friends don't like them and their family doesn't like them. They are terrible! If we were invaded by aliens, the aliens wouldn't like those m!!!@!#$@! ers."

That is the truth too. If we are ever invaded by aliens I know the perfect people to introduce them to. The aliens will decide they do not want to be associated with just abomidable beings and they will turn around and leave.

Is it bad to post this right above a Happy Easter, Love Jesus post?

1 comment:

Baseblogger said...

If aliens do land, introduce them to your co-workers, Tom Cruise (although they'll probably be distant relatives), and the New York Yankees, please.