Thursday, May 17, 2007

Evil Craig's List Person

So, I don't know if I've updated everyone recently. But I seem to be staying here in Philly for most likely two or three more years. I'm sad about NYC, but the upside is that I found this awesome apartment that I can't wait to move into. The downside is that I now feel that my current apartment furnishings are inadequate and I need all new stuff. As it happens, it's actually pretty expensive to refurnish an entire apartment. So I've been looking around on Ebay and Craig's list for some deals. Please take note of the following transaction...or non-transaction.

For Sale: Almost new Crate and Barrel Black Framed Mirror, large, $40 - everything must go, moving.

Whoohaa!!! Boy oh boy do I want that big mirror which matches my entertainment center!!! And $40 from Crate and Barrel to boot! So, I send an email. Then proceed to converse via email with the Craig's list seller all day yesterday. We were trying to figure out a time when it was most convienent for HER for me to come pick up the mirror. We settle on a time and that I'm going to pay her cash. I send a follow up email, just to confirm and get back the following response...

"Somebody came by just now and unexpectedly wanted to buy my dresser, desk, a bunch of items basically, as well as the mirror, for a "package rate" so I had to sell the mirrow. Sorry!! I hope you will find something soon. Thanks very much for your interest."

I think this is evil and dispicable. All day I had been imagining in my mind where I was going to hang this mirror in my new place. Not to mention that all day I responded to at least 5 emails from her changing times and days for the pick up. Then she just goes and sells it to someone else!!!! Why couldn't she just tell the unexpected person, "I'm sorry, I already sold that mirror to someone else?" I think people feel they can get away with a lot through sites such as Craig's List where they don't have to deal with someone directly. Screwing people over through cyber space is no big deal to them I guess. I still don't think she could be a nice person by nature though, cause I would never do that to someone, whether I was dealing with them through email or in person.

Anyway, I sent back a replay and said "That was really not a nice thing to do. I thought we had a deal?" What I really should have said was "You asshole. That is just terrible. Karma is a bitch and I hope wherever you are moving totally sucks!!"


Amanda said...

You definitely should have sent a meaner email back.

Enjoy King Tut and all of his historicness.

Brian said...

that is def poor CL etiquette... not that i am one to talk if you have ever read my posts about CL.

Baseblogger said...

let's go get her.